Bio and Statement
Carl Sandburg wrote, ''Down in southern New Jersey they make glass. By day and by night, the fires burn on in Millville.” As a sculptor born in Millville, NJ who forms metal & glass by fire, Vivianne Lee Carey sees these poetic lines as an affirmation of the materials she utilizes in her work.
Carey describes her work as “sculptures and installations that explore the darker archetypal aspects of life but with a regenerative perspective. Filthy pearls, oil-stained rags, sharpened nails and glass shards are juxtaposed against a white background to reflect the contrast between innocence, and experience, evil and divinity, grace and disgrace. Like a beautiful nightmare, these objects, made from primarily glass and steel, are reminiscent of treasures found in a reliquary and seem to be on the verge of whispering a tainted fairy tale.”

253 Winfield Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29307,
SELECTED EXHIBITIONS* one person shows
2023 “Caleb Myers”, Regional Juried Exhibition, ArtFields, Lake City, SC.
2021 - “My Sharona”, Regional Juried Exhibition, ArtFields, Lake City, SC.
2021 - “Artist Collective Juried Show”, Artist Collective, Second place, Spartanburg, SC,
2021 - “Artist Guild Annual Juried Exhibition”, Chapman Cultural Cntr., Spartanburg, SC.
2019 - “Her Story”, Center for the Arts York County, Rock Hill, SC.
2019 - "Annual Faculty Show”, Converse College, Milliken Gallery, Spartanburg, SC.
2018 - "HerStory" Radford University, Art Museum at the Covington Center, Radford, VA.
2018 - "Cinderella: The Sequel", Juried Exhibition, ArtPrize, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
2017* - "Cinderella: The Sequel", Regional Juried Exhibition, ArtFields, Lake City, SC.
2016* - "Cinderella: The Sequel", Chapman Cultural Center, Spartanburg, SC.
2016* -"Viva Vita Dolorosa", MFA thesis show, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
2015 - "Annual Faculty Show”, Converse College, Milliken Gallery, Spartanburg, SC.
2015 - "Given a Stone and Three Moons", McLaurin, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
2014 - "A Pearly Gate" Regional Juried Exhibition, ArtFields, Lake City, SC.
2014 - "Concord and Flow", Milliken Art Gallery, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC.
2014 - “Artist Guild Annual Juried Exhibition”, Chapman Cultural Center, Spartanburg, SC.
2014 - "May at the Aiken Center for the Arts", Aiken, SC
2014 - “Artist Guild Annual Juried Exhibition”, Chapman Cultural Center, Spartanburg, SC.
2013 - "The 39th Dept. of Art & Design Faculty Show", Milliken, Converse College, Sptbg., SC
2013 - "Inspired by Musicals", Milliken Art Gallery, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC.
2013 - “Works in Progress” Winthrop University, Patrick Gallery, Rock Hill, SC.
2013* - “Vivianne Carey”, McLaurin Gallery, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
2012 - “Halloween Show”, McLaurin Gallery, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
2011 - “Works in Progress” Winthrop University, Patrick Gallery, Rock Hill, SC.
2010 - “Artist Guild Annual Juried Exhibition”, Carolina Gallery, Spartanburg, SC.
2010* - “Hair of the Dog”, Chapman Cultural Center, Spartanburg, SC.
2008 - “Artist Guild Annual Juried Exhibition”, Spartanburg Art Museum, Spartanburg, SC.
2008 - Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC
2006 - “Artist Guild Annual Juried Exhibition”, Milliken & Parsons Galleries, Sptbg., SC.
2002 - “Alumni Art Exhibit”, Converse College, Milliken Gallery, Spartanburg, SC.
1996 - “Recent Work”, a two person show at Gallery 522, Spartanburg, SC
1992* - “Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut”, Milliken and Parsons Galleries, Spartanburg, SC.
1991* - “Obsession” Pfeiffer College, Misenheimer, North Carolina, (curator, J. Haymaker).
1991 - “Women in the 1990's”, Fridholm Fine Arts Gallery, Broadway Arts, Asheville, NC.
1990* - “Recent Work”, Windows on Main”, Spartanburg, SC.
1989 - “Biennial Area Artist’s Exhibition”, The Upstairs Artspace, Tryon, NC.
Juror 2023, National Sculpture Competition, North Charleston, SC.
Open Studios Artist, 2023, Spartanburg, SC.
Grant Recipient 2023, Spartanburg Arts Council, Spartanburg, SC.
Faculty Development Grant 2021 to attend puppetry workshop in Massachusetts.
Grant Recipient 2019, Spartanburg Arts Council, Spartanburg, SC.
Grant Recipient 2016, Spartanburg Arts Council, Spartanburg, SC.
Grant Recipient 2013, Spartanburg Arts Council, Spartanburg, SC.
Grant Recipient 2011, Spartanburg Arts Council, Spartanburg, SC.
Best of Show, 2010, “Artist Guild Annual Exhibition”, Carolina Gallery, Sptbg., SC.
Grant Recipient 2006, Spartanburg Arts Partnership, Spartanburg, SC.
Merit Award, 2006, “Artist Guild Annual Juried Exhibition”, Milliken and Parsons Galleries, Spartanburg, SC.
Award of Distinction, 2002, National Council of State Garden Clubs, Spartanburg, SC
Designer’s Choice Award, 2002, National Council of State Garden Clubs, Spartanburg, SC.
Grant Recipient 1990, Spartanburg Arts Council, Spartanburg, SC.
First Place Painting, 1981, Converse College Senior Art Show, Milliken Gallery, Sptg, SC.
Greenwald Award, 1981, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC, (jurors: Henry Fagen, Judy Jones, Mayo Mac Boggs).
“My Sharona”, 2021, Steel, glass, found & created objects, collection of Darla Moore, Lake City, SC.
"All Creatures Great and Small" 2017, Fiberglass, glass and ceramic lightbulb mosaic commissioned by Spartanburg Art Museum
“Ascension” 2012, Painted Steel and Resin Sculpture, Cottonwood Trail, Spartanburg, SC
"Dandelion," 2010, Painted Steel Sculpture, collection Mr. and Mrs. Bill Owens, Clinton, SC.
"Monarch Caterpillar with Half-Eaten Plant," 2008, Steel & Fiberglass Sculpture, Hatcher Gardens, Spartanburg, SC. “Hydrangea”, Steel Sculpture, collection of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miles, Spartanburg, SC.
“Ladyslipper: Audrey III,” 2007, Painted Steel, collection of the artist, Spartanburg, SC.
“Elgar,” 2007, Painted Steel Sculpture, collection of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hudgins, Spartanburg, SC.
“Magnified,” 2005, Painted Steel Sculpture, Happy Hollow Park, Spartanburg, SC.
“The Immortal Turf,” 2004, Painted Steel Sculpture, Hatcher Gardens, Spartanburg, SC
2020 - present, Sculpture Instructor of Practice, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC.
2013 - 2020, Adjunct Professor 3-D Design, Sculpture I-IV, Graduate Sculpture, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC.
2007 - 2014, St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church School, Spartanburg, SC.
2022, Appalachian School of Craft, Smithville, TN, Characters and Casts, Kourtney Stone.
2022, Private Workshop, Burnsville, NC, Figurative Clay, Lisa Clague.
2021, MASS MoCa, North Adams, MA, Puppetry and Woodcarving, David Lane.
2019, Arrowmont, Gatlinburg, TN, Jewelry Design, Robert Edendorf, Anna Johnson.
2016, Appalachian School of Craft, Smithville, TN, Flameworking Beads, Gabriel Greenlaw.
2015, Appalachian School of Craft, Smithville, TN, Hot Glass & casting, Jason Chakravarty.
2016, MFA, Sculpture, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
2014, Arrowmont, Gatlinburg, TN, Casting without the Furnace, Jason Chakravarty.
2014, Arrowmont, Gatlinburg, TN, Glass Casting, Susan Glassgow.
2013, Penland School of Crafts Penland, NC, The Hammer & Striker, Colby Brinkman.
2012, Penland School of Crafts Penland, NC, Sculpting Hot Glass, Pearl Dick.
2011, Penland School of Crafts Penland, NC, Two Dimensions to Three, Eric Ryser.
2010, Penland School of Crafts Penland, NC, Mosaic tile in Community, Carlos Alves.
2009, Penland School of Crafts Penland, NC, Skins and Armatures, Ledelle Moe.
2008, Penland School of Crafts Penland, NC, Repoussé, Marisela Gutierrez.
1981, BFA, Converse College, Spartanburg, SC.